Legal notice

  1. French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique, fichiers et libertés)

Pursuant to articles 39 and following of the January 6, 1978 law no. 78-17 governing data protection, any person may obtain communication and, if necessary, correction or deletion of the information concerning them, by contacting TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE. Any person may also, on legitimate grounds, object to the processing of their data.
Toute personne peut également, pour des motifs légitimes, s’opposer au traitement des données la concernant.



  1. Protection of intellectual property

This website is published by TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE ("the publisher"), which holds the rights to the website content. By content of the website, we mean the general structure, text, images, animated or not, and sounds that comprise the website. Any partial or total use or reproduction without the consent of TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE is unlawful. This use or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, would therefore constitute piracy, punishable by the legislation in force on intellectual property. TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE intends to apply all the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, including articles L 342-1 and L342-2 of this code.


  1. Permission to reproduce website content

Pursuant to the Intellectual Property Code, "copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copyist and not intended for collective use" and "private and free use exclusively within a family circle" are authorised.

Therefore, unless TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE has given its prior written consent, commercial or other uses and transmitting one or more elements of website content, as well as modifying, redistributing, translating, selling, exploiting, reusing or presenting any elements of website content (in particular, the text, images and illustrations, sound or animated sequences, present or future) are prohibited.


  1. Information contained in the website

The information presented on this website is not exhaustive, it is provided for information purposes only and is subject to change. As such, TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE cannot be held liable in any way whatsoever.


  1. Hypertext links

Any establishment of hypertext links by third parties to pages or documents distributed by the service, which may in fact constitute an infringement of copyright, an act of parasitism or defamation, must be authorised. Authorisation may be requested directly from TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE.

Authorisation will be granted if the links do not infringe on the interests of the service and if they allow the user to identify the origin of the document, particularly in the case of deep hypertext links, framing or insertion by links. In addition, TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE is not responsible for the content or services offered by websites that link or refer to the TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE website that are not expressly authorised by TECHNOPLUS INDUSTRIE.


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